When will my order arrive?
Delivery times depend on the address and shipping method. Click here to see a map of estimated Ground Shipping delivery times from FedEx. Please allow an additional day for packing the orders. Our site includes package tracking on your account once your order has shipped. For non-registered users, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a FedEx tracking number. To track your package, visit FedEx’s website.

Do I need to be home to receive a package?
No. Our local delivery service and FedEx will leave packages for you if they determine the surrounding area to be safe. If you live in a secured building, they may have an issue with the front door. You could tell building security to expect them should you step out.

How much do you charge for shipping?
Our shipping rates are determined by FedEx and are calculated by order weight at checkout. Any special handling charges or items that ship separately will be listed with a disclaimer on the item page.

How do I change or cancel an order already placed?
There is no way to change or cancel orders online, so please review your order carefully before clicking “place your order.” Should you notice an error immediately after submitting the order, please contact us by phone or email with your confirmation number so that we can make the necessary changes or cancel the order from shipping.

Is my information safe?
We will not sell or share your information with other companies.

Do you accept multiple forms of payment?
No. Our system currently does not accept multiple payment types.

Can I order by phone?
Yes. Call us any time Monday through Friday, MON-Sat 9:00-17:00 PST (678) 967-4518

How can I order a Miss Hulling’s Cake for my relatives outside St. Louis?
Due to their delicate nature, you may choose to ship Miss Hulling’s cakes only at your own risk. We do not make any guarantees that they will arrive in an acceptable condition. If you are still interested, please call us to place your order.

What if I’m not satisfied with my order?
We will make our greatest effort to provide great customer service. If your order is damaged during shipping or in some other way is not up to your expectations as far as appearance of the product, you are entitled to a full refund or replacement products (unless stated otherwise). If you accidentally clicked on the wrong product and do not want to keep it, we will give you a refund for the product only and we do ask that you ship the product back to us at your expense.